30 ; 08.09.2004 FI 20045330 54 ; Messvorrichtung.
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Deighton, M.; Hughes, C. R. ; Ramage, R. J. Chem. Com., Chem. Comm. 1975, 662.
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Secretion in pancreatic -cells from mice deficient in KATP channel function Biochem Biophys Res Com 284: 918-922. EFANOV AM, ZAITSEV SV, MEST HJ, RAAP A, APPELSKOG IB, LARSSON O, BERGGREN PO AND EFENDIC S 2001b ; The novel imidazoline compound BL11282potentiates glucose-induced insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cells in the absence of modulation of K ATP ; channel activity Diabetes 50: 797-802. EGLEN RM, HUDSON AL, KENDALL DA, NUTT DJ, MORGAN NG, WILSON VG AND DILLON MP 1998 ; 'Seeing through a glass darkly': casting light on imidazoline 'I' sites. Trends Pharmacol Sci 19: 381-390. EHLERT FJ 1988 ; Estimation of the affinities of allosteric ligands using radioligand binding and pharmacological null methods. Mol Pharmacol 33: 187-194. ELAZAR Z, KANETY H, SCHREIBER M AND FUCHS S 1988 ; Anti-idiotypes against a monoclonal anti-haloperidol antibody bind to dopamine receptor. Life Sci 42: 1987-1993. ENG LF 1985 ; Glial fibrillary acidic protein GFAP ; : the major protein of glial intermediate filaments in differentiated astrocytes. J Neuroimmunol 8: 203-214. ERNSBERGER P AND U'PRICHARD DC 1986 ; Para-azidoclonidine: a novel photoaffinity ligand for the alpha2-receptor. Life Sci 38: 1557-1563. ERNSBERGER P, MEELEY MP, MANN JJ AND REIS DJ 1987 ; Clonidine binds to imidazole binding sites as well as alpha 2-adrenoceptors in the ventrolateral medulla. Eur J Pharmacol 134: 1-13. ERNSBERGER P, GIULIANO R, WILLETTE RN, GRANATA AR, REIS DJ. 1988 ; Hypotensive action of clonidine analogues correlates with binding affinity at imidazole and not alpha-2-adrenergic receptors in the rostral ventrolateral medulla. J Hypertens Suppl 6: S554-537. ERNSBERGER P, GIULIANO R, WILLETTE RN AND REIS DJ 1990a ; Role ofimidazole receptors in the vasodepressor response to clonidine analogs in the rostralventrolateral medulla. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 253: 408-418. ERNSBERGER P, FEINLAND G, MEELEY MP AND REIS DJ 1990b ; Characterization and visualization of clonidine-sensitive imidazole sites in rat kidney which recognize clonidine-displacing substance. J Hyperten 3: 90-97. ERNSBERGER P 1991 ; Heterogeneity of imidazoline binding sites in brain: proposed I1 and I2 subtypes. Third I.B.R.O., World Congress Neurosciences Abstract ; : P 41.8.
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34. Luthy CS, Collart L, Striberni R, Constantin C, Dayer P. The rate of administration influences the analgesic effect of paracetamol Abstract ; . Vth World conference on clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, Yokohama, July 1992 35. Macfarlane T.V, Blinkhorn H, Worthington H.V, Davies R.M, Macfarlane G.J. Sex hormonal factors and chronic widespread pain: a population study among women.Rheumatology 2002; 41: 454-457 Millan M The induction of pain: an integrative review. Progress in neurobiology 1999; 57: 1-164 Petrie A, Sabin Caroline. Medical Statistics at a Glance Blackwell Science 2000 38. Piguet V, Desmeules JA, Collart L, Dayer P. Quelle posologie du paracétamol ? Schweiz Med Wochensch 1994; 124: 2196-98 Piletta P, Porchet HC, Dayer P. Central analgesic effect of acetaminophen but not aspirin. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1991; 49: 350-354 Pleeger M, Straneva P.A, Filligim R.B, Maixner W, Girdler S.S. Menstrual cycle, blood pressure and ischemic pain sensitivity in women: a preliminaryinvestigation. International Journal of Physiology 1997; 27: 161-66 Porchet HC, Piletta P, Dayer P. Objective assessment of clonidine analgesia in man and influence of naloxone. Life Sci 1990; 46: 991-998 Riley J.L; Robinson M.E.; Wise E.A., Myers C.D.; Fillingim R.B. Sex difference in perception of noxious experimental stimuli: a meta-analysis. Pain 1998; 74: 181-187 Riley J L, Robinson M E, Wise E A, Price D D. A meta-analytic review of pain perception across the menstrual cycle. Pain 1999; 81: 225-235 Rollman G.B.Reproductive hormone and the modulation of muscle pain, reply to Johns and Littlejohn. Pain 1999; 83 1 ; : 113-114 45. Rubinow D.R, Schmidt P. J, Rocca C.A. Estrogen-serotonin interactions: implications for affective regulation. Biological Psychiatry.1998; 44: 839-850 46. Silbernagl S, Despopoulos. Atlas de Poche de Physiologie, Flammarion 1992 47. Smith Y.R, Zubieta J.K, del Carmen M.G. Brain opioid receptor measurements by positron emission tomography in normal cycling women: relationship to luteinizing hormone pulsatility and gonadal steroid hormones. Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 1998; 83: 4498-505 Stolley P. D. and Strom B. L. Sample size calculations for clinical pharmacology studies. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, mai 1986 49. Tassorelli C, Sandrini G, Proietti Cecchini A, Nappi R E, Sances G, Martignoni E. Changes in nociceptive flexion reflex threshold across the menstrual cycle in healthy women Psychosomatic Medecine 2002; 64: 621-26 Unruh M. A. Gender variation in clinical experience. Pain, 1996; 65: 123167 Von Korff M, Dworkin S.F, Le Resche L, Kruger A. An epidemiologic comparison of pain complaints Pain 1988, 32: 173-183 et acheter combivir.
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Not NBQX prevents expression of amphetamine-induced place preference conditioning : A role for the glycine site of the NMDA receptor, but not AMPA receptors. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1999 ; 290 : 9-15. 52 Di Ciano P, Everitt BJ. Dissociable Effects of Antagonism of NMDA and AMPA KA Receptors in the Nucleus Accumbens Core and Shell on Cocaine-seeking Behavior. Neuropsychopharmacol 2001 ; 25 : 341-60. 53 Myrick H, Brady KT, Malcolm R. New developments in the pharmacotherapy of alcohol dependence. J Addict 2001; 10 Suppl. ; : 3-15. 54 Pages KP, Ries RK. Use of anticonvulsants in benzodiazepine withdrawal. J Addict 1998 ; 7 : 198-204. 55 Bertschy G, Bryois C, Bondolfi G, et al. The association carbamazepine-mianserin in opiate withdrawal: A double blind pilot study versus clonidine. Pharmacol Res 1997; 35: 451-6. Zullino DF, Krenz S, Favrat B, et al. The efficiency of a carbamazepinemianserine combination scheme in opiate detoxification. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2001 ; 11 : 335. 57 Gasior M, Ungard JT, Witkin JM. Preclinical Evaluation of Newly Approved and Potential Antiepileptic Drugs Against Cocaine-Induced Seizures. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1999 ; 290 : 1148-56. 58 Raby WN. Gabapentin therapy for cocaine cravings. J Psychiatry 2000; 157 : 2058-9. 59 Markowitz JS, Finkenbine R, Myrick H, et al. Gabapentin abuse in a cocaine user : Implications for treatment ? J Clin Psychopharmacol 1997 ; 17 : 423-4. 60 Myrick H, Henderson S, Brady KT, et al. Gabapentin in the treatment of cocaine dependence : A case series. J Clin Psychiatry 2001 ; 62 : 19-23. 61 Lizasoain I, Leza JC, Cuellar B, et al. Inhibition of morphine withdrawal by lamotrigine : Involvement of nitric oxide. Eur J Pharmacol 1996 ; 299 : 41-5. 62 Martijena ID, Lacerra C, Molina VA. Carbamazepine normalizes the altered behavioral and neurochemical response to stress in benzodiazepine-withdrawn rats. Eur J Pharmacol 1997 ; 330 : 101-8. 63 Rosen MI, Rowland Pearsall H, Kosten R. The effect of lamotrigine on naloxone-precipitated opiate withdrawal. Drug Alcohol Depend 1998 ; 52 : 173-6. 64 Margolin A, Avants SK, DePhilippis D, et al. A preliminary investigation of lamotrigine for cocaine abuse in HIV-seropositive patients. J Drug Alcohol Abuse 1998 ; 24 : 85-101. 65 Winther LC, Saleem R, McCance-Katz EF, et al. Effects of lamotrigine on behavioral and cardiovascular responses to cocaine in human subjects. J Drug Alcohol Abuse 2000 ; 26 : 47-59. 66 Kushner SA, Dewey SL, Kornetsky C. Gamma-vinyl GABA attenuates cocaine-induced lowering of brain sti.
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